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GT Geometry Syllabus

Course Requirements:

1 composition book with 100+ pages;  a ruler; a compass;  protractor; #2 pencils;  red pens;  colored pencils or pens; Scotch tape


Course Description:  
In this course students will study topics of Geometry and will touch a few topics of Algebra 1.  All geometry students will explore basic terms of geometry, parallel and perpendicular lines, triangles, polygons, three-dimensional figures and circles.  

Geometry TEKS by unit of study are available on the NEISD website under TEA.


Grade Determination for each Quarter and Semester:                                           

            Classwork/Homework                                               5%                             

            Quizzes/ Minor Projects                                             35%                            

            Exams  / Major Projects                                             60%                            


Semester average = 40%-1st quarter + 40%-2nd quarter + 20%-semester exam

* The semester exam will count for 20% of the semester average if student takes exam and did not exempt the exam.  Students can exempt the semester exam if they have a semester average of 85 or higher.


You (or your parent/guardian) can access your grade using the Skyward Family Access Portal from the district.  Each student will receive an official school progress report (including all classes) during the 4th and 7th week of each grading period and a report card at the end of the grading period; it is the student’s responsibility to share these progress reports and report cards with parents/guardians.


Homework is only 10%, however if you make an A on the unit Test you will not be required to complete the next units homework and they will be excused.  If you made an A on the unit test and your home works are excused, completing your homework on time will count as extra credit on the next test.  You will receive one point per assignment that has a grade of 80 and above, for that unit test.  Extra credit points do not carry over to other units.  


Tests & Quizzes:
You may or may not be notified of quizzes in advance.   Tests will be given approximately every 2 - 3 weeks.  You will always be notified of tests in advance and they will be posted on my website.  We will have at least 3 to 4 tests/major project grades per nine weeks.


We will have projects assigned throughout the year.  Projects will count as a quiz or test grade depending on the depth and difficulty of the project.  We will have at least one project per nine weeks.



Google Classroom:  This is an educational website for teachers and students. Students will have all notes, videos, and assignments posted here on the Unit Calendar under the Classwork tab.  The unit calendar will be your main resource to use for ALL links and major due dates for all assignments and tests/quizzes.  Students can post questions about homework or test reviews.  I will reply with hints and solving strategies.   I will also send important reminders on the live stream.  Be sure you have the notifications on! You can also download a free Google Classroom App to your electronic device.


Class Policy:

Expectations:  (the five P’s):  I expect every student to Participate (100%), to be Prompt (ready to workwhen the bell rings), to be Polite (respectful and supportive of classmates and teachers), to be Prepared (have supplies and assignments), and to be Productive (work hard, stay on-task, ask questions, and help others).


Make-up Work:  If you are absent it is your responsibility to collect your assignments.  All assignments, notes, and you-tube video notes are available. According to district policy, if you are out of class on school business or you have an excused absence, you will have the same number of class periods that you missed to make up the assigned work without penalty.  If you miss a quiz or a test, you need to be prepared to take the assessment upon return to class.


Retakes:  A retake is available for a test or quiz grade below 70. The highest that a student can make on the retake is a 70.  Retake must be done during tutoring times or during flex.  


Tutoring:  Help is always available.  See tutoring schedule.  If you are in need of math help and I am unavailable, you can also go to any of the other geometry teachers.  Tutoring times are in the mornings from 9:00-9:45 AM and after school from 3:30-4:30 PM.


Honesty Policy:  All quizzes, tests, and projects (unless otherwise instructed by me) are to be completed individually.  Any student caught copying/cheating will receive a zero for the assignment.  It is okay to work with other students on the practice assignments (classwork & homework) as long as each student is actively working on each of the assigned problems.