

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Psychology - University of Texas at Austin M.A. Social Work - University of Houston

Ms. Tricia Castellanos


Greenback Night ppt presentation

Greenback Night video

My name is Tricia Castellanos, and I've been teaching at Johnson High School since 2009. I have a bachelor's degree from The University of Texas at Austin in psychology and a Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Houston.  I practiced as a crisis intervention counselor in the Houston area for 3 1/2 years before I began what I believe is my true calling, teaching.  My first teaching job was at The Woodlands High School in the Houston area.  In 2000, my family moved to San Antonio, and I taught at Reagan high school for 3 years.  I have 3 boys and took about 6 years off from teaching when they were little to stay home full time.  My boys all went through the Johnson cluster, beginning at Encino Park Elementary, then to Tejeda, and Johnson.  My oldest son graduated from Johnson in 2014 and is a  Texas A & M University graduate now attending graduate school in Utah.  My middle son graduated Johnson in 2017 and is also a Texas    A & M grad working as a chemical engineer.  My youngest graduated Johnson in 2020 and is currently a senior at  Texas A & M!  I look forward to a great year with your students.  

Class Schedule

  • Semester 1 - Fall 2024

    1st Period - AP Government

    2nd Period - Psychology

    3rd Period - Psychology

    4th Period - Lunch

    5th Period - AP Government

    6th Period - AP Psychology

    7th Period - Psychology