

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in History with a concentration in Social Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Kyle Hendrickson

Hello Jags!  Teaching is a new career for me, and I am excited about joining the Johnson High School Community.  I graduated summa cum laude from UTSA in spring 2024.  I majored in History with a concentration in social studies.  I am presently pursuing a master's degree in history at UTSA.  Prior to teaching, I worked as a director of operations for a live events company, and studying history was a hobby.  The pandemic in 2020 gave me an unexpected opportunity to pursue this new career.  I look forward to a great semester and many more to come.


A few facts:

I am originally from Wisconsin (yes, I am a Packers, Brewers, and Bucks fan).

I love learning about history through books, documentaries, museums, and travel.

In the early 2000s, I was a DJ for a classic rock station in Madison, WI.

My favorite food is movie theater popcorn

My wife, six-year-old son, and two dogs keep me on my toes when I am not at school.

  • Regular
    9:50–10:45  U.S. History
    10:50-11:40 U.S. History
    11:45-12:35 U.S. History
    1:35-2:25     U.S. History
    2:30-3:20     U.S. History
    3:25-4:15     U.S. History

    Flex: Every Thursday
    9:45-10:30   U.S. History
    10:35-11:15 Flex
    11:20-12:05 U.S. History
    12:10-12:55 U.S. History
    1:50-2:35     U.S. History
    2:40-3:25     U.S. History
    3:30-4:15     U.S. History

    Tutoring (room A319):
    8:00-8:30 Monday
    4:20-4:50 Tuesday
    8:00-8:30 Friday