Phone: 210-356-0400


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Psychology - Texas A&M University M.S. Education - University of Phoenix

Mrs. Kristine Rogers

Welcome to Johnson High School and the 2024 - 2025 school year. This will be my 15th year in full-time education and my ninth year here at Johnson. This year I am teaching English II Honors and Student Government/Leadership. I graduated from Texas A&M University, and almost immediately after graduating, I married my college sweetheart. We just celebrated our 32nd anniversary in June. I spent most of those years supporting his USAF career and traveling all over the country and world with our two children and our dogs. I got my Masters in Education in 2006-2008 while we were stationed at Yokota AB in Tokyo, Japan. We finally moved home to Texas in 2016 when my husband retired from the USAF after a 27-year career.  I look forward to a successful year helping my students learn and grow into responsible young adults! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at





Class Announcements

Class Schedule


    1st period - English II Honors 

    2nd period - English II Honors

    3rd period - English II Honors

    4th period - Student leadership

    5th period - Student leadership

    6th period - lunch

    7th period - conference

    8th period - English II Honors