College & Career Readiness at NEISD

  • Helping You Create the Future You Deserve

    It’s never too early to explore your options for college or career opportunities. This section provides resources to start planning your future.

    College & Career Readiness is committed to helping all students prepare for college. Our department works with campuses and other college-related departments to create and support a college and career ready environment. We encourage all students and parents to start planning early.

  • What Is CCMR?

    College Career and Military Readiness (CCMR) is about preparing students for life after graduation. It is made up of curriculum, resources, programs and activities that help students have the tools they need to enter college or the workforce and begin a career. CCMR is integrated into the everyday culture of our district and is supported by state guidelines, partnerships with higher education organizations and businesses.

    Students and parent/guardians are encouraged to review the ways to demonstrate college and/or career readiness in Texas. 


  • College Readiness Announcements

    Course selection for the 2025-26 school year is now open! Watch the brief video below for more information in the Advanced Academic course options that may be available!