About GT Services
North East ISD has GT services for identified students in grades K-12. GT services are designed to meet the educational needs of students performing well above peers of the same age, experience, and environment. To qualify for GT services, students must demonstrate an academic need on nationally normed ability and achievement tests. Students who participate in services designed for gifted students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment and that reflect individuality and creativity.
In grades K-2, identified kindergarten, first, and second grade students receive GT services through a pull out service model once weekly. The campus Gifted and Talented teacher delivers services approximately 2 to 3 hours per week on a pull-out basis. (Kindergarten begins services by March 1st.)
Young gifted learners focus their attention on different types of thinking:
Deductive Thinking
Inductive Thinking
Creative Thinking
Visual/Spatial Thinking
Evaluative Thinking
Critical Thinking
In grades 3-5 identified students receive GT services through a pull-out service model once a week. Students are pulled together each week for approximately 3 to 5 hours with the campus GT Teacher. Multidisciplinary units, as well as advanced experiences in literature, algebraic reasoning, Socratic Seminars, technology applications, and independent studies are designed for these students. Attention is paid to students’ interests, unique social-emotional needs, and learning characteristics.
Upper elementary GT students focus their learning on:
Systems Thinking
Masterpieces and Mysteries
Eminent People and Philosophy
Depth and Complexity
Beginning in sixth grade, students who demonstrate an educational need for GT services may participate in one or more of our secondary programs: GT Math, GT English, GT Interdisciplinary Studies elective, and North East School for the Arts (NESA). In grades 6 - 12, gifted students are served through gifted content courses and GT electives at the high school level.
Identified GT students may also participate in Advanced Academic Courses including:
College Board Advanced Placement (AP) courses
Dual Credit courses
On-Ramps Dual Enrollment courses
North East School of the Arts (NESA)
NESA is located on the campus of Legacy of Educational Excellence High School and is a gifted and talented program in the arts. NESA provides a rigorous academic environment, consisting of a sequential, customized curriculum designed to encourage artistic excellence, integration with multiple arts disciplines, and authentic assessment. NESA students study daily with our unique staff of professional educators who are also working artists with significant training and experience in their individual disciplines. NESA students participate in master classes and seminars with professional artists, engage in many enrichment activities, and have multiple opportunities to showcase their talents. Students are accepted for the NESA program through an application and formal audition process. All students in 8th – 11th grade from Bexar County and surrounding areas may apply to audition. Seven (7) majors are offered at North East School of the Arts: Cinema, Creative Writing, Dance, Instrumental Music, Musical Theatre, Technical Theatre, and Visual Arts.