Library Services: Processing
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Approved Vendors
How to Search for Approved Vendors
The Department of Procurement requires all purchase orders to include a bid number. When ordering from a vendor that does not provide full processing, please ensure the vendor is on the bid list.
How to Search for NEISD Bids
- Go to this Procurement webpage and search for the vendor (must be logged into MyNEISD.
Vendor Processing Specifications
A Cataloging Committee was formed in the Spring of 2013. The committee is comprised of librarians from all levels, the Library Systems Coordinator, the Library Director, and led by the Library Processing Coordinator. The committee oversees all cataloging and processing specifications, and any changes to the specifications must be approved by the committee
Vendors from whom we accept processing:
- Perma Bound
- Follett
- Bound to Stay Bound
- Mackin
- Capstone
- Libraria
- Penworthy
Thorndike Press/Cengage - We receive Marc Records & Barcodes, but unattached.
NEISD barcode sequences are set up as follows:
50 (first two numbers) = the district
XXX (next three numbers) = the school’s org number
XX (next two numbers) = the vendor’s code
50-146-05-8912345 an item for Las Lomas Elementary from Bound to Stay Bound
If you mistakenly receive an item directly from the vendor, please call the Library Processing bookkeeper.
Current Processing Specifications have been approved by the Cataloging Committee.
Last revised 09/2017.
Ordering Policies
You may order from any vendor on the NEISD Bid List.
NEISD accepts processing from vendors who have met our criteria for the quality of their physical processing and MARC records.
The DNE on orders to process vendors cannot exceed $1,000.
Orders from vendors not on the processing vendors list below cannot exceed $1,000. *(Large print orders from Gale/Thorndike Press will be accepted for up to $1,000.)
Forwarding Lists in MACKIN
When ordering from MACKIN, please forward your list to Lauren, Library Processing's Bookkeeper. Her username is
Click here for instructions on how to forward a list in MACKIN.
Vendors Providing Processing