North East ISD Athletics

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  • Available to all students in grades 7-12 at North East ISD Middle and High Schools, the mission of the Athletic Department at NEISD is to develop core values in our student-athletes through competition, academics, and community involvement.

    With our Core Values (Accountability, Self-Discipline, Gratitude, Integrity, Respect, Teamwork, Strong Work Ethic), the Athletic Department has identified objectives to help student-athletes succeed in both the classroom and the game:

    • Encourage RESPECT and GRATITUDE towards all stakeholders on a daily basis
    • Build character and good citizenship as a result of SELF-DISCIPLINE and ACCOUNTABILITY
    • Inspire TEAMWORK through the inclusion of all students in athletic opportunities
    • Shape young men and women with INTEGRITY and a STRONG WORK ETHIC so they may help build strong communities in the future

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