• Qualifying for GT Services

    Does My Student Qualify for GT services?

    • Those who meet the criteria for GT services must earn exceptionally high scores on multiple assessments.
    • Percentile scoring compares students nationally and by age versus percent correct scoring.
    • Students who score in the top 5-6% show an ACADEMIC NEED for services in NEISD.
      • Students who score in this range are typically 2-3 years ahead of their peers and have the ability to do the level of work set by the GT teacher and Gifted and Talented Curriculum.


    Is my student a good candidate for GT?

    The GT program in NEISD is designed to meet the educational, social, and emotional needs of students performing 2-3 years above grade level academically.  If you have questions about the decision to refer your child, please contact your child's homeroom teacher at the elementary level or school counselor at the secondary level. Your child’s classroom teacher may be a good resource for information about how your child is performing in class and whether or not GT services might benefit your child at this time.

    Approximately 5% of students qualify for Gifted Programs. Very bright students may not qualify. Early readers, all A’s, and high STAAR scores are excellent, but that is not always an indicator of giftedness.

    Characteristics of a High Achiever vs. Gifted Student

High Achievers...

...remember the answers.

...work hard to achieve.

...memorize well.

...get a’s.

...perform at the top of the group.

Gifted Students...

...pose unforeseen questions.

...know without working hard.

...guesses and infers well.

...isn’t motivated by grades.

...is beyond the group (2+ yrs).