- Johnson High School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Christine Kalebick-Russell
Hi Jags!
My name is Mrs Christine Kalebick-Russell, and I am your Resource ELA I, Resource ELA II-II, Resource Reading I-IV, and Dyslexia Intervention teacher for the 2024-25 school year! This will be my 27th year in Education, fifth proud year at Johnson High School. I have a strong passion for helping students succeed. Please know that I am available to students each morning for tutoring. The morning time is a great opportunity for students to review information from the day before, prepare for a test, or just to "reset" which will allow them to start their day positively. I believe that student social emotional well-being is an important part of academic success. I look forward to students coming to E210 in the morning to start their day!!
Parents, if your child is in any of my academic classes, please make sure your child is participating in my Google Classroom. Check there often for assignments, projects, tests etc. I will do my best to post information and provide active links to allow you to access what is needed. Please know that information will be posted after classroom instruction has been provided to ensure students are listening and participating in classroom opportunities. Also, students are responsible for any work that was given during their absence. FLEX or tutoring will be a great time for missed instruction.
My students will need the following supplies, which will be designated specifically for Resource English and Reading. These items are to be used daily and are an important part of the learning process.
Composition Book Loose Leaf paper Pens/pencils Highlighters Kleenex tissue box
Finally, If I am your child's Case Manager, I encourage open and frequent conversation so that we can maximize your child's success. Know that the best way to reach me is by email. (Ckaleb@neisd.net) If needed, I am also happy to visit with you regarding your child before or after school! Please let me know quickly if you have a concern, academic, behavioral, emotional or otherwise- early intervention allows us to have more successful resolutions.
Dyslexia Intervention
Resource ELA I
Resource ELA II
Resource Reading I-IV
My Schedule for the 2024-25 School Year:
1st Period English I/II Resource
2nd Period Dyslexia Intervention
3rd Period English I/II Resource
4th Period Lunch
5th Period Conference
6th Period Reading Resource I-IV
7th Period Dyslexia Intervention
8th Period Reading Resource I-IV