

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Meteorology - Florida State University M.A. Mathematics Education - Western Governors University

Mr. Eric Price


  Hello welcome to my CTJ intro page.  I have been teaching at Johnson since it opened in 2008.  Since I am dual certified in Mathematics and Physics and I have taught in both the Math and Science departments at CTJ.  In addition to this year's classes I have taught Algebra I & II, AQR, Regular & Pre-AP Precalculus, Regular, Pre-AP, AP and On Ramps Physics.
  Before I was a teacher I spent 10+ years in the weather business, working both in television (KXII in Sherman/Denison TX, KMID in Midland/Odessa TX, KXXV in Waco, TX and KSAT here in San Antonio)  and for a radar hardware/software company (Baron Services in Huntsville, AL).
  You can find all class notes, videos, assignments, etc. on my Google Classroom page.  Please email me if you need the access code.  Also if you have any questions, the best way to contact me is through email (  Go Jags!

Class Schedule



    1st Period:  OnRamps Physics 2

    2nd Period:  OnRamps Physics 1

    3rd Period:  OnRamps Physics 1

    4th Period:  Lunch

    5th Period:  OnRamps Physics 1

    6th Period:  AP Physics C

    7th Period:  OnRamps Physics 1

    8th Period:  Conference


    Tutoring Times: 

    Mornings:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:05-8:40

    Afternoons:  Wednesday & Thursday 4:20-5:00

    Other times are sometimes available before and after school.  Check with Mr. Price for availability.