- Johnson High School
- Parent Information
When does Ms.Hull have tutoring?
- Monday 4:14pm-4:50pm,
- Tuesday 8am-8:40am
- Friday 8am-8:40am
- If your student needs to stay after school, have them contact me to schedule a time.
What is Ms. Hull's phone policy?
- I do my best to treat my students as young adults, so I allow my students to keep their phones and manage their usage on their own with the expectation that they will not use them during class unless they are given explicit permsision to use it.,
- When students use the restroom they will sign out the pass at my desk and leave their phones on my desk until they return to class.
- I require phones to be put into the phone pockets and out of reach is during quizzes and tests. If a students' grade begins to suffer or they become a distraction to other students, I will send you an email notifying you that they have lost their phone privilege in my class and will not be able to have it again until their behavior and/or grade improves.
How can I stay involved with my students' U.S. History grade?
- Regularly check Skyward
- Help students study for tests and quizzes using their unit review and quizlet cards (QR code inside their note packet)
- Join the class Remind 101 (code provided on the syllabus for each class)
- Email Ms.Hull with any questions, concerns, or just to check in