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Grading Procedures (click to access)

Grades for each Quarter:              

Daily Assignments      15%

Quizzes                       35%

Tests/Projects              50%

Semester grade will be:

  • 40% - Quarter 1
  • 40% - Quarter 2
  • 20% - Final Exam


90 - 100% = A

80 - 89%   = B

75 - 79%   = C

70 – 74%   = D

Check Skyward Family Access to monitor your grade.


Daily Assignments:

This includes homework, classwork, and other in-class activities.   You must show ALL work and use appropriately worded justifications to earn credit. A packet of Unit Notes & Classwork will be issued to you at the beginning of each unit of study. You are expected to keep this packet in your three-ring binder until the end of the semester along with other formula charts and handouts. All missing daily work is due by the day of the unit test.



You will always be notified of quizzes in advance. They are listed on the unit calendar – you are given a physical copy of the calendar and the calendar is posted in Google Classroom. You are given quiz reviews that will help you study for quizzes. You may use your review to help you during the quiz. When you turn in your completed Quiz Review before the quiz, with ALL work shown, you will receive 5 points extra credit on your quiz.

  1. Retakes: You may retake paper/pen quizzes for a grade up to a 60.  (Note: we are not required to give retakes on quizzes. We offer this opportunity to you so that you can improve on your misunderstandings and to help you earn a passing grade.) You MUST complete quiz corrections (on a separate page) prior to retaking a quiz. Retakes may be taken during tutoring hours or during FLEX. Retakes are due by the day of the unit test.
  2. **Notebook Checks**: Notebooks are checked toward the end of each nine weeks. You will be given advanced notice before a notebook check, and you will be given a list of what is required for each notebook check. You are expected have your notebook organized and submitted on the day that the notebook is due. There is NO MAKE-UP for notebook checks.
  3. We will drop the lowest quiz grade at the end of the nine weeks.



You will always be notified of tests in advance. They are listed on the unit calendar – you are given a physical copy of the calendar and the calendar is posted in Google Classroom. You will receive a Test Review a few days before each test, and you are given class time to work on test reviews. A partial key to the test review will be posted in Google Classroom. You may use your review to help you during the test. Test reviews count as a daily grade (NOT bonus points.)

  1. Retakes:  You may retake tests for up to a 70.  You must complete test corrections (on a separate page) prior to retaking your test. Retakes may be taken during tutoring hours or during FLEX class. If you score lower on the retake, the retake grade will be discarded.
  2. Projects: Projects are assigned every nine weeks. You will work with a partner to find real-world data on an assigned topic. You will create a slideshow that includes required statistical information, and you will present your topic to the class. Projects are graded based on a rubric that you will be given ahead of time (so that you may use it as a checklist to help you correctly prepare your presentation).



If you miss class, it is your responsibility to collect missed assignments. You are given the unit calendar, and it is available on Google Classroom.  We always post a video recording of each day’s notes/class practice. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to watch the video and take notes. You must also access the assignment for the day. If you are out of class on school business or you have an excused absence, you will have the same number of days that you missed to make up the assigned work without penalty.  Late assignments will receive a grade of no higher than an 80.  Assignments that are late will not be accepted after the unit is complete.  If you miss a quiz or a test, you need to be prepared to take the assessment upon return.