Tillman, Amanda
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- Madison High School
- Grading & Retest Guidlines
All assignments will be graded with either holistic rubric (provided by the teacher) or on the 6 point College Board Writing assignment scale. Students will be assessed for what they do well, and are expected to use teacher comments, suggestions, and conferences to improve throughout the course.
* Homework will only be taken at the start of class.
Grading Guidelines
- 30% Pop Quizzes
- 20% Formative Assessments (Daily)
- 50% Summative Assessments (Test)
- 20% Semester Exam
- Credit Protection (3 Weeks Only, Sem 1/Sem 3 Only, Additional Work from Assignments)
- Credit Recovery (1st Sem Only, Additional Work from Assignments, 2nd Sem is only Summer School)
NEISD Late Policy
Late work is defined as any assignment that is not submitted on the due date and class period with the exception of make-up work for absences or approved school activities. A 20% deduction from the total grade earned will be taken for late assignments. Late assignments will be accepted until the material has been assessed summatively or within a three-week grading period.
NEISD Make-Up Work Policy
Students have one class period after they return from an absence to make up work. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students should check their Google Classroom, and then come before or after school to obtain make-up work. Tests and quizzes must be made up before or after school in person.
Reteach & Retest Policy
As per district policy, if 50% or more students fail an assessment, the teacher will re-assess using a different mode during classroom time. If less than 50% of students fail, a student can individually advocate for a retest during tutoring time.
- 1st: Verbal warning/Student-Teacher discussion
- 2nd: Parent/Guardian Contact- N will be the automatic conduct grade
- 3rd: Parent/Guardian-Teacher conference- U will be the automatic conduct grade
- 4th: Administrative Consequences (student will be referred to appropriate Assistant-Principal)
*Note: Extreme situations do create exceptions in the process. Conduct grades will affect semester exam exemptions. Conduct grade of U in the 2nd or 4th grading terms eliminates students from any exemptions.
Madison HS/AMP, College Board & San Antonio College each have stringent rules against plagiarism. Plagiarism of any kind of internet downloads, copying another student’s work, summarizing Cliff/Barron/Monkey/Lit/Spark, or any other kind of “Notes,” etc. IS considered cheating.
Madison High School Policy:
Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments and/or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the home campus Academic Honesty Policy. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that students have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. (NEISD Student-Parent Handbook, pg. 42)
San Antonio College Policy:
Students who have violated any component of the Alamo Colleges District Board Academic Integrity Policy are subject to The Academic Integrity Disciplinary and Appeal procedure which applies to each of the following academic integrity violations (a definition of each can be found in F.4.2.2): Sale of academic product, Academic enticement or influence, Academic misconduct, Cheating, Fabrication, Collusion, Plagiarism. If any of these violations is discovered, it will be reported to the college.