Phone: 210-356-1490


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education

Mr. Don Bustos

Some facts about me: ♦ I have been teaching orchestra in the public schools for over 30 years.♦ My primary instrument is the cello; my secondary instrument is the piano.  ♦ El Paso Symphony Cellist (91-2003)♦ Symphony of the Hills Cellist (current)♦ I graduated from the Baylor School of Music.♦ My family plays stringed instruments.♦ I visit my hometown of El Paso as often as possible.     


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Instagram (Orchestra Boosters)

Fine Arts Code of Conduct

Class Schedule

  • MTWF (see MHS website for Thurs)

    1st Period Orchestra  8:50-9:45

    2nd Period Orchestra 9:50-10:45

    3rd Period Orchestra 10:50-11:40

    4th Period AP Music Theory 11:45-12:35


    6th Period Orchestra 1:35-2:25

    7th Period Orchestra 2:30-3:20

    CONFERENCE 3:25-4:15