- Madison High School
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Technical Theatre
Mr Thompson's '24-'25 Class Schedule.
Advanced Technical Theatre
Technical Theatre 1
Theatre Productions
Theatre Productions Rehearsals After School
Other Events After School
Tutoring is available afternoons to make-up seat time upon request.
Students should talk to me in class, or Use email link below to request an appointment.Tutoring Available in Library 4:15-6:00PM for other classes.
Our program would not be as successful without the aid and support of our boosters. The MadMav Theatre Boosters are made up of parents of current theatre students. The boosters generously volunteer their time and resources to assist with the productions and fund raising activities.
The boosters help with selling ads for the program, selling concessions during shows, serving food to the cast and crew on show nights and much, much more.
If you would like to be part of the boosters or volunteer, please contact them here.For Ticket Sales, information on current and past season, ad request forms, and other information on the MadMav Theatre Company, visit us at:

Phone: +1-210-356-1400
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's of Music Education: Illinois State University Computer Networking Certifications: Heartland Community College IL Certifications: All-Level Music, Band, Secondary Music TX Certifications: All-Level Music, All Level Theatre
Sir Peter Thompson
Oddly enough, I come to be teaching technical theatre through a round-about way, and a journey full of many different interests, experiences, and backgrounds. Like many others, I started in the Performing Arts learning Clarinet in Band in 5th Grade. Progressing through Lockport Township HS, in the suburbs of Chicago, I was awakened to a love of performance after I auditioned for All-State, on a whim, and made it. After that I knew that I wanted to make music a bigger part of my life, so I expanded into saxophone and percussion when my band director, Dan Valkema, needed someone to play those parts.
Because of their music program and Head Band Director, Steven Steele, I attended Illinois State University. Even though I played in their Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Marching Band, it took another two years for me to realize that I needed to be teaching music for a living. I had started out as a physics major because of my love of science and technology, and then decided that I should at least try to get a relatively steady paycheck, so I switched to a Music Education major. My first theatre experience came when I was student teaching, and was asked to play in the pit orchestra for 2 different musicals in the same month: Annie, and West Side Story.
After graduating with a Bachelor’s of Music Education, I spent my first few years in teaching by moving around Illinois. I taught Band, and 1st year Spanish, in a couple of districts. Along the way I had many opportunities to work in the auditoriums because I understood computers, sound technologies, and picked up lighting quickly. My love of buttons, lights, sounds, and, power tools and piles of wood, all came together when I had the chance to work on the musicals/operettas Pirates of Penzance, and Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. I did set design and construction, as well as lights and sound for those productions. There is an indescribable fun in being able to say I have built both a pirate ship and a church one year, and then a castle, cottage, and clock tower, the next year.
Upon taking a trip to Texas to visit a friend and getting lost, I moved to Texas in 2005. Since then I taught band for 11 years, had a short interlude as a restauranteur, another one in Special Education, and worked with the music and drama departments in Gonzales, Del Valle, San Marcos, and Marion, on the technical aspects of their productions. I made the transition to teaching theatre full-time, and was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to come to NEISD.
By the way current students, if you are reading this, you can email me a picture of your favorite Pre-1980s classic car for extra credit. One per semester limit. Be ready to talk about it and why it is your favorite though!
So now I am using my 30+ years in the Performing Arts, 19+ years in education, technical know-how, and my interests in science, history, construction and engineering, and computers, to tell stories in an entertaining and engaging way. I am excited to be here at Madison, and am looking forward to continuing the adventure!