- Reagan High School
- Contact Us at Reagan
Our Principal

Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Charles Reininger, Jr.
I am Dr. Charles Reininger, Jr. and the proud principal of Reagan High School. I was formerly the principal at Tex Hill Middle School for five years and was at Churchill High School prior, where I served as assistant principal for two years. Before WC, I started my NEISD journey as an assistant principal at Bush Middle School from 2008-2015.
San Antonio born, I am the eldest son of five children by Charles and Carolyn Reininger, Central Catholic and Providence graduates. I am the fortunate husband to Sandra Garza Reininger. We have two children, Nicholle and Charles III. Tennis is a large part of Sandy's world beyond her extraordinary devotion to her family, and I am an avid saltwater fisherman and enjoy hunting and playing golf. I came to NEISD after 17 years as a teacher, coach, counselor and administrator at the Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas, and one year as a middle school campus assistant principal in Alice, Tx. I maintain Texas educator certification in teaching, counseling, principalship, and superintendency. I lettered in track & field at the University of Texas Austin, earned a BA (Speech Comm, English) and an M.Ed. (Counseling) from the University of Texas-RGV. I completed doctoral studies at the University of Houston in Curriculum and Instruction.
I am an energetic, gregarious, and serious individual who believes that there is no more important vocation than actively participating in the development of our youth. I believe in a team concept and am collaborative, respectful, and demanding. I believe in delivering a positive and caring attitude, and in implementing best practices through a “360 Degree” approach to developing our students.
I encourage your student(s) to participate in their high school experience as fully as possible. During this time of exploring and honing talents and passions, we look for them to develop a sense of pride in their efforts and in representing Reagan High School. I would also encourage and invite parents to actively participate in their student’s education by joining our Reagan PTA and keeping aware of the various opportunities for volunteering.
Duties and Responsibilities
Title IX Coordinator
Campus Behavior Coordinator

Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Marcela Ghormley
I am so excited to be at Reagan High School! I am very passionate about teaching, education and empowering students to become tomorrow’s leaders. I believe in the North East promise to educate the whole child and in ensuring that our students graduate with not only academic knowledge but with citizenship skills and a desire to leave the world better than they found it.
I graduated from the University of Texas in San Antonio with a major in Biology. I spent a few years doing vaccine research in a joint venture between UTSA and the DOD. I obtained my Masters in Education from Wayland Baptist University and began my teaching career with United ISD. I spent some time in the classroom teaching Chemistry, Biology and Physics in North Side ISD before earning my principal certificate. I was then fortunate enough to come to Reagan High School as an Assistant Principal. I am so proud to be part of this amazing community both as a parent and as an educator! I look forward to working with all of our parents and students as we begin another amazing year here at Reagan High School.
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Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Jennifer Jones
I began my journey with NEISD eleven years ago as a History teacher and coach at Tejeda Middle School. After Tejeda, I moved to Johnson High School where I coached basketball and track for three years.
An opportunity arose which allowed me to stop coaching and I was able to move into the role of Student Council sponsor and the Spirit Assistant where I helped dance and cheer.
I am excited to act as an assistant principal at Ronald Reagan! I look forward to working with the staff and community to provide the best education to all students who attend Ronald Reagan.
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Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Tammy Wickline
I started my career in education as a first-generation college graduate. My purpose for this lifelong professional journey has always been to inspire young people that no matter their current circumstances, they can change their lives and take charge of their future.
One experience I want students to have on campus is to develop and maintain positive, respectful relationships with adults and peers. It is our responsibility to model this practice so that students can in turn model this behavior in their current and future relationships.
I am excited to serve Reagan High School in this new role. I look forward to working with the students, parents, faculty, and our community to continue our traditions of excellence.
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Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Mark Soppe
I have always enjoyed helping others grow and excel. That has been the driving force behind my educational career. The field of education has allowed me to make a difference in the lives of all the students I have had the opportunity to mentor, grow and exceed expectations that they thought could not be achieved. It is what continues to instill in me a passion to foster life-long learning and leadership in my students.
Having grown up in a small town in Iowa I knew that I needed to see more of the world. My first teaching job was at Widefield High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado teaching business courses. After eight years my family was offered an opportunity to move to Germany which we could not pass up. While in Germany I was hired as the Unit Training Manager for NAF on Ramstein Air Base and I taught Master’s level courses at the University of Phoenix on base.
When we moved back to the states, I spent two years teaching graphic design at Freedom High School in Woodbridge, Virginia. Finally, we moved to Texas where I have been at Reagan High School ever since.
It is an honor and privilege to be part of the administrative team at Reagan and I look forward to belonging to a leadership team that grows the greatest staff and students in San Antonio.
Degrees and Certifications:
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Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Jennifer Esparza
I grew up in Abilene, Texas where I attended public schools and Hardin-Simmons University. Go Cowboys! I earned three degrees from HSU, a Nursing degree, a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Biology, and a Master of Education in Counseling and Human Development. My first five years of teaching began at Abilene Wylie High School. A few years ago, I earned my Principal Certification from Lamar University. In the near future, I hope to begin a Doctorate in Educational Leadership.
I am a mother before any other role. I have been blessed with four vivacious energetic children. I have a son, Alejandro, who is a sophomore in college, my oldest daughter, Gabriella, is a Senior in high school, another daughter, Sofia, is a fifth grader, and my youngest, Tatiana, is a fourth grader. They all have their unique personalities and I love them all dearly! My other children are those in which I have had the pleasure of teaching within the last 20 years!
I am so excited to begin my 21st year in education! Sixteen of those years have been here at Reagan. Formerly, I was the Department Head of World Languages and I taught Spanish Honor classes. In addition, I was the PALS (Peer Assistance Leadership and Service) Sponsor teacher for 14 years. This is my second year as an Administrator.
I am a firm believer in the notion that our experiences shape us. I am privileged to have worked with some wonderful people who have inspired me in many different ways. Reagan is a very special place to be and I am ever so fortunate to work with my colleagues, my friends, my extended family, they are the best! Together, we are committed to promote lifelong learning as we strive for our students to all be safe and successful.
Although I am a person that values traditional values, I look towards improvement and innovation. I feel it is very important for us to reflect, remember and never forget where we came from, where we are at, and where we would like to go! As an educational leader, it is my duty to ensure the well-being, the growth, and success for all students and my fellow colleagues. I do this through servant leadership grounded in the values of empowerment in supportive environments.
My commitment is to carry out my duty, as I am here to serve!
Duties and Responsibilities:
Phone: 210-356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors in Middle Grades Education. Masters in Secondary Education.
Ms. Sandi Veliz
Hi there, Rattler Nation!
I am blessed to join the team this year as the Curriculum Assistant Principal.
I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado (Go Broncos!) and have three amazing children. Gabriella (23) just graduated from the University of Texas-Austin (Hook 'Em), Claudia (21) is a senior at the University of Alabama (Roll Tide Roll), and Christian (11) is a 5th grader at Cibolo Green Elementary (Go Champions!).
I graduated in 2001 from Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia with a major in Middle Grades Education. In 2007, I received a Masters in Secondary Education. I taught English and Social Studies before becoming an administrator. In 2011, I received my Specialist in Educational Leadership and am currently enrolled in an Ed.D program for Leadership for Equity in Education with the University of Colorado - Denver. I have served as a school administrator in a variety of roles since 2010 and am passionate about our profession!
I'm looking forward to working with and serving the students and families of Reagan High School!
Strike 'Em!
Title IX Coordinator & Campus Behavior Coordinator
Reagan High School's Title IX Coordinator/Campus Behavior Coordinator is primarily responsible for maintaining student discipline and the implementation of this subchapter and for responding to all complaints of possible sex discrimination and coordinating proper responses to complaints.
Phone: 210-356-1800
School: Reagan High School
Address: 19000 Ronald Reagan