- Reagan High School
- Welcome

Phone: 210-356-1824
Degrees and Certifications:
Associates of Arts, ST Phillips College, 1988 Bachelor of Arts, UTSA, 1993 Masters, University of Oklahoma, 2003 Masters, University of the Rockies, 2012
Chad G. Livingston
Lieutenant Colonel Chad Livingston retired from the Active duty Army after 27 years of Military Service on 31 August 2015.
He graduated from The University of Texas at San Antonio in 1993 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Armor Corps from the University of Texas at San Antonio ROTC program.
LTC Livingston’s first assignment was at Fort Polk Louisiana, from May 1994 to April 1997 where he held several positions including, Anti- Tank/Scout Platoon Leader, Troop A & B, 2ND Armored Calvary Regiment, Operations Officer and Officer Personnel Manager, Headquarters Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk. In 1995, he deployed to Haiti and served as a scout Platoon leader under Operation Uphold Democracy. Shortly after he returned from deployment, LTC Livingston was hand selected to serve as the Warrior Brigade S1. Following the Adjutant General Officer Advanced Course, he was assigned to the Dallas Recruiting Battalion, in Irving, Texas, where he served as the Battalion S1 from September 1998 to June 2000. In July 2000, LTC Livingston was assigned to Joint Command South East at Izmir Turkey, where he served as the Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander. In November 2001, LTC Livingston was assigned as the Executive Officer, 95th Reception Battalion, Fort Sill Oklahoma, and in November 2003 was selected to serve as the Fort Sill Installation G1. From July 2004 to July 2006, LTC Livingston served as the Personnel Management Officer, 377TH Theater Sustainment Command, New Orleans, Louisiana. From August 2006 to June 2008, LTC Livingston served as the Operations Group Brigade S1, Joint Readiness Training Center, and Fort Polk, Louisiana. In November 2008, LTC Livingston deployed to Afghanistan as an Embedded Transition Team member. In this capacity, he served as the 203RD Corps G1 Mentor. Following this 12 month deployment, LTC Livingston was assigned to United States Army South, at Fort Sam Houston Texas, where he served as the G1 Plans, Programs, Policies, and Operations Division Chief. His last assignment before reporting to the Fresno Recruiting Battalion was at United States Central Command, MacDill Air force Base, Tampa Florida, where he served as the Special Actions Branch Chief, Personnel Division, J1 Directorate, LTC Livingston’s last assignment on Active duty was as the Fresno Recruiting Battalion, Battalion Commander.
LTC Livingston has a bachelor’s degree in English and two master’s degrees in Human relations and Conflict Resolution and Mediation. His unit awards include the Joint Meritorious Unit Award and the Army Superior Unit Award. His individual awards include the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Meritorious Service Medal with 6 Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal, the Armed Forces Service Medal, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
PT 0700-0800 (Virtual) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Cadet/Parent Conference Period (Blended Learning) Monday Thru Thursday 08:30-0950
Period 1 10:00-11:05 Battalion Staff WA Classroom Bravo Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Period 2 11:10-12:15 Company Alpha WA Classroom Bravo Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Period 3 1:10-2:15 Company Bravo WA Classroom Bravo Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Period 4 2:20-3:25 Company Charlie WA Classroom Bravo Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Period 5 10:00-11:30 Company Delta WA Classroom Bravo Tuesday/Thursday
Period 6 11:35- 1:00 Parent Conference Period WA Classroom Bravo Tuesday/Thursday
Period 7 2:00- 3:25 Parent Conference Period WA Classroom Bravo Tuesday/Thursday
3:45-6:00 Raider Practice M/W/T WA Classroom Bravo (When Cadets are back to on campus Instruction)
3:45-6:00 Cyber Patriot Practice T/TR WA Classroom Bravo (When Cadets are back to on campus Instruction)
Office # 210-356-1824
Email clivin@neisd.net