Freires Abuin, Juan Antonio
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Phone: (210) 356-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees: M.Ed English Language, Literature and Linguistics Postgraduate Education Certificate ESL 7-12 M. Ed Spanish Language, Literature and Linguistics (Pending homologation from the Ministry of Education in Spain) Certifcates: PPR EC-6 LOTE Spanish (EC-12) TOEFL Cambridge English Language Assessment – Proficiency (CEFR C2)
Mr. Juan A. Freires Abuín
I was born and raised in Granada, Spain. I have a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in English Language and Literature through the University of Granada, Spain. While working on a second Master's degree in Spanish Language and Literature, I received a student-teaching grant to work as a Spanish Language Assistant at Central College (Iowa). Since then, teaching Spanish in the U.S. became one of my goals in my life. In May 2015, my family and I moved to San Antonio from Granada. Later on, in August 2016, I became a member of the Reagan Family. This is my ninth year here and I cannot be happier. This is the best high school in Texas!
I enjoy every second of my life with my family. We spend the weekends between my daughter's swim meets and my son's soccer games, and we really love it. Our philosophy is that with anything in life, "quien la sigue la consigue".
Class Schedule
Room - NM156
First Period -- Conference
Second Period -- Spanish III Honors
Third Period -- Spanish Native III Honors
Fourth Period -- Spanish III Honors
Fifth Period -- Spanish Native III Honors
Sixth Period -- Lunch
Seventh Period -- Spanish III
Eighth Period -- Spanish III Honors