Share & Reflect - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


  • Share (Time Frame: 15-30 min.)

    Groups may present their findings to one another, or to utilize a more authentic audience, groups may share with a kindergarten or first grade class. Another option would be to Skype with students at another campus.

  • Evaluate (10 min.)

    Teacher/Librarian Evaluation Criteria:

    • Takes a picture that is on topic
    • Writes a short script that is on topic
    • Uses unit vocabulary correctly
    • Narration is easy to understand

    Students will reflect on their learning using a simple, visual reflection sheet and/or Google form.

  • To Do

    Optional: Create a simple Google Form for student reflections

Phase: Share & Reflect
  • This phase is intended to:

    Allow students to share with an audience for an authentic purpose. 

    Student reflection should include:

    • their own learning
    • the inquiry process
    • encourage further inquiry, when appropriate