Share & Reflect - Jobs

Meteorologist in front of a green screen


  • Celebrate Learning!

    Having an audience is very important. Slide shows may be shared within the class (e.g., using the "Share Square" strategy) or with another class (e.g., buddy classroom). Share with parents and the community via social media as appropriate.

    Discuss how research answered the class's questions.


  • Reflection

    An important component is engaging students in reflection about the research process, not just the end product.

    Reflection with kindergarteners can be as simple as revisiting and discussing the research process the next time students visit the library.

    Ask for a show of fingers (1 finger for "I learned a little bit" up to 5 fingers for "I learned a lot!"). Reflect on what was easy or difficult about the research process and what students enjoyed most.

Phase: Share & Reflect
  • This phase is intended to:

    Allow students to share with an audience for an authentic purpose. 

    Student reflection should include:

    • their own learning
    • the inquiry process
    • encourage further inquiry, when appropriate