Library Services: Elementary Units
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Inquiry Units
- Kindergarten - 1st grade Inquiry - Jobs
- Kindergarten Inquiry - Where in the World Are We?
- 1st Grade Inquiry - Colonial Times
- 1st Grade Inquiry - Discovering Where We Live
- 2nd Grade Inquiry - American Symbols
- 2nd Grade Inquiry - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- 3rd Grade Inquiry - Rapid Changes to the Earth's Surface
- 3rd Grade Inquiry - Scientific Breakthroughs
- 4th Grade Inquiry - Native Texas
- 4th Grade: Notable Texans
- 4th Grade Inquiry - Slow Changes to Earth's Surface
- 5th Grade Inquiry - Energize
Investigate and Gather- Jobs

Identifying Questions (10 minutes)
The Investigate stage is a challenging, important, exciting stage in the inquiry process.
With teacher/librarian assistance, students will generate questions to guide the Gather phase. Another way to approach this step would be to ask students what they want to learn more about to share with others. Questions may be about jobs and tools, since that is what students have explored. Be open to other possibilities as well.
The sample note-taking sheets offer some ideas for framing the conversation.
Finally, during this stage or the Gathering phase, discuss what resources students will help answer the research questions.
Gathering Information (45 minutes)
Step 1: Resource Curation (Librarians)
This guide features a wide variety of resources under the Student Resources tab, more resources than needed for the unit. Librarians should curate a reasonable number of the resources provided in this guide and elsewhere. It's important to streamline scope and access for young students. Digital resources may be accessed from a simplified LibGuides page or via QR codes, if using iPads).
Collaborate with teachers to see if they need classroom materials to support reading and writing about jobs throughout the research unit.
Step 2: Student Choice
It is very important for students to have a choice about which job(s) to research. For example, if students only want to research firefighters, police officers and veterinarians, their interests should be considered. During the Open, Immerse and Explore phases students were exposed to many different types of jobs. In the Gather phase the focus is narrowed.
Students may work in pairs or small groups.
Step 3: Note Taking
Students will gather information and record it in the Research Journal (or on a note-taking form designed by the librarian/teacher to reflect students' research questions). Note: Use a shared or interactive writing process first to model note-taking / research writing.
To Do:
If using iPads, duplicate Resource Cards (w/ QR codes) for jobs students are researching
- Computers and/or iPads
- PebbleGo database
- eBooks
- Print books
- Experts for interviews (or contributed videos)
- Job Cards w/ QR Codes for accessing resources [added 2/10/15]
- Spanish translations for sample note-taking sheets [added 2/11/15]
*Note: The note-taking documents are samples. The notes sheet should be based on class-generated questions.
*Jobs Research Notes-taking (Sample 1)
*Jobs Research Note-taking (Sample 1 / Spanish)

This phase is intended to:
Allow students to develop question/s of personal interest and have time to gather relevant information to answer the question/s.
Key ideas:
- Encourage authentic questions (connected to real life, real world problems)
- Assist students in refining/revising questions (6th-12th)
- Encourage use of primary and secondary sources
- Note taking
- Cite sources