Phone: 210-356-1828 Theatre Office


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Communications & Theatre - Western State University of Colorado - 1990 M.A. Theatre Education - University of Northern Colorado - 2010 Professional Member, United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT) Member, Texas Educational Theatre Association (TxETA) Member, Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) Sponsor, Reagan Thespian Troupe #6151

Mr. James Kaiser

Welcome, Rattlers!

I am the Head of the Reagan Fine Arts Department and the Technical Theatre Director at Ronald Reagan High School.

I was bitten by the theatre bug during my freshman year of high school in 1981 when I was cast in the fall school play. I have over 25 years of professional experience in the entertainment industry, where I was a part of over 200 productions as production manager, stage manager, tour manager, lighting designer, sound designer, stagehand, and many other backstage positions.

I am originally from colorful Colorado and moved to San Antonio in 2011 to become part of the Reagan faculty and theatre department.  I grew up on a small alfalfa farm on the eastern plains of Colorado near Greeley, CO.  In high school, I participated in band, theatre, and was editor of the school paper.  After receiving my B.A. from Western State University of Colorado, I pursued a career in technical theatre.

I was based in Denver, Colorado, but traveled the country with various shows.  After too many years of a nomadic lifestyle, I decided it was time to give back the knowledge I had gained and stay in one place. I attended the University of Northern Colorado to obtain my teaching certification and picked up my M.A. at the same time (Go Bears!).

At Reagan, I have grown the technical theatre program from three mixed level classes to three beginner classes and two advanced classes.  I strive to keep Reagan's theatre program up-to-date in technology and industry practices.  When I am not running around the auditorium with what's left of my hair on fire, I spend time at home with my partner of many years, Bob, and our three foster dogs:  Kada (a rotund pit bull), Ellie (terrier mix), and Daisy (doxi mix), as well as Chatty the chonky fur ball cat.  I also enjoy reading, movies, Legos, building virtual cities (Cities: Skylines II) and flying virtual commercial airliners all over the world. (MS Flight Sim 2020).

I am a cancer survivor and glad I am still here to talk about it.

If you are looking for tickets or information about our shows, go to:

Class Schedule

  • 2024-2025 Class Schedule

    Period 1 - Technical Theatre II, III, IV

    Period 2 - Technical Theatre I

    Period 3 - Technical Theatre I

    Period 4 - Technical Theatre I 

    Period 5 - Technical Theatre II, III, IV

    Period 6 - Lunch

    Period 7 - Auditorium/Fine Arts Duty

    Period 8 - Conference