- Madison High School
- Art I / Art I Honors Course Information and Syllabus
Course Description:
This entry-level course honors course will introduce students to the big ideas covered in our workbook, incorporate the state mandated TEKS into all learning activities, and give students opportunities to engage in creative expression using a variety of art media. In addition, students will be required to enter one contest each semester, learn how to critique and take peer feedback to improve their work, and will participate in community art projects on campus.
Required Supplies:
All students are required to pay a $25 art supply fee for the course. This is mandatory.
Grading and Conduct
Grading Categories:
- (20%) Daily Work/ Warm Ups.
- (30%) Sketches/ Projects In-Process/ Quizzes.
- (50%) Major Projects & Tests. These will be graded upon project completion.
The Semester Exam will count as 20% of the semester grade. (1/7 of semester grade)
Daily Activities
If a student is absent from class, it is their responsibility to check with what the previous day’s daily activity was.
Sketches/ Projects In-Process/ Quizzes
Periodically, art projects will be examined to check for progress in the form of sketches, examining efforts to make progress on the project, and through quizzes.
Major Projects & Tests
There will be several major projects throughout the year. Students will be graded on meeting and exceeding the targeted learning expectations. Periodic tests will monitor the progression of learning expectations.
Semester Examinations
Semester exams, developed by NEISD, will check for understanding of key concepts and ideas explored in the TEKS and in our textbook.
Late Work Policy: Per NEISD policy: 20% will be taken off for late work. If the absence is excused, the student has as many days to make up the work for full credit as they have excused. Assignments can be submitted late within the 3 week grading period they were assigned. They will recieve up to an 80. Assignments submitted after the progress report grades are due will not be accepted.
Re-Teach & Re-Test Policy:
Assignments can be resubmitted within the 3 week grading period they were assigned. They will recieve up to an 80. Assignments submitted after the progress report grades are due will not be accepted.
General Grading Rubric:
*Work reflects all stated learning criteria.
*Student demonstrates great effort to submit high quality work.
*Work shows evidence of critical thinking.
*Student turns in work on time.
*Student uses materials and supplies appropriately.
GOOD WORK (80-89)
*Work reflects most, but not all of the stated learning criteria.
*Student demonstrates moderate effort to submit high quality work.
*Work shows evidence of critical thinking.
*Student turns in work on time.
*Student uses materials and supplies appropriately.
*Work does not meet all stated learning criteria.
*Student demonstrates little effort to submit high quality work.
*Work shows little evidence of critical thinking.
*Student turns in work on time.
*Student needs reminders on how to use materials and supplies appropriately.
*Work does not meet all stated learning criteria.
*Student demonstrates little to no effort to submit high quality work.
*Work shows no evidence of critical thinking.
*Student does not turn in work on time.
*Student needs reminders on how to materials and supplies appropriately.
(Please note that this grading rubric is subject to change, depending on each assignment.)
Conduct Grade Exemptions:
Steps 0-1: Teacher Intervention. Conduct Grade “E” or Grade “S”
Step 2: Referral. Conduct Grade “N”
Step 3: Referral to Administrator. Conduct Grade “U”. Student cannot exempt Semester
Academic Honesty:
NEISD does not tolerate plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of trying to pass off the ideas or concepts of another as one’s own. For example in art class, if you take material from a website, and insert it into your art, even if you modify it slightly – it’s plagiarism. Therefore, if you appropriate images from an outside source, be sure you give credit where credit is due. There are many state and national art competitions that will disqualify entries if they suspect any form of plagiarism, so let’s be proactive to prevent any potential problems.
If you feel that you are being harassed in any way, please notify me. I will inform the appropriate NEISD staff to document your concerns. I will also share this information with your parents/ guardians.
Art I MWF Virtual Classroom
For MONDAY, WED, FRI Art I Students ONLY
This "classroom space" is updated with links to the daily class assignments and agenda, weekly message and more ALL in one space (this is anchored at the top of the google classroom for you to be able to easily navigate)
Art I T/Th Virtual Classroom
For Tuesday, Thursday Art Students ONLY
This "classroom space" is updated with links to the daily class assignments and agenda, weekly message and more ALL in one space (this is anchored at the top of the google classroom for you to be able to easily navigate)