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Classroom Procedures

Office hours:   Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 – 8:30

Objective:        Students will develop self-responsibility, organization and knowledge of content area material.

Assessment:  Students will be graded on tests, investigations, homework, quizzes, formal labs, projects and a well organized notebook. 

The final semester grade will be an average of the two nine weeks with the semester exam weighted 20%.

A spiral notebook is required for physics with sections labeled: notes/warm-ups and UTHW. It is in your best interested to keep a well organized notebook.  Please bring them to class daily.

Class management:   It is my contention that physics is not an innate ability; rather it is a discipline which takes a great deal of hard work, instruction and perseverance.  Therefore, class time will not be used to negotiate discipline problems. 

Be a positive influence in the classroom.  Participate.

All Madison high school rules pertaining to appearance, language, food, and drink will apply in this classroom.  Furthermore, the district policies for late work and test reteach/retake will be strictly followed.  We are just a part of a greater community.

The discipline step process is as follows:

            1st – verbal warning

            2nd – Student conference

            3rd – Parent conference, conduct grade of N

            4th – Discipline referral, conduct grade of U

Lastly, I believe in students being there own best advocates.  Please do not hesitate to schedule time to talk me about grades, or any other concerns.