- MacArthur High School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Kimberly Mendez
My name is Kimberly Mendez, and I am the Associate Choir Director at MacArthur HS. I proudly attended school in NEISD (Wilshire ES, Krueger MS, and Roosevelt HS). I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music in Music Studies from Texas State University in San Marcos, TX.
I am in my 10th year of education, which includes 5 years at Garner MS, and have been part of the Mac Choir program since 2022. Students and choirs under my direction have consistently earned Division 1 Superior Sweepstakes ratings at UIL Concert and Sight Reading Evalution, top chairs in TMEA Region Choirs, and Division 1 Superior ratings at Solo and Ensemble contest.
I enjoy performing professionally, most recently as a member of the San Antonio Symphony Mastersingers. In my free time, I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and two cats, traveling, and making memories with my family and friends.
Email: kmende@neisd.net
Best time to reach me: 8a-930aDegrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Music in Music Studies - Texas State University in San Marcos
EC-12 Texas Music Teacher CertificationDaily Schedule
Period 1 - Conference
Period 2 - Concert Chorale (Varsity Mixed)
Period 3 - PFC & The Iris Bulbs (Varsity A Cappella)
Period 4 - Aperture (JV A Cappella)
Period 5 - Cantate (JV Treble)
Period 6 - Beginning Tenor-Bass Choir
Period 7 - Beginning Treble Choir
Period 8 - Lunch
Daily Bell ScheduleOffice Hours: 8am upon request (so as not to conflict with rehearsals)