• Alma Mater

    In halls of honor lives her fame,
    The days of MacArthur High.

    We cherish memories of her name
    Although the years gone by.

    Fight for her glory,
    For colors white and blue.

    A pledge of loyalty we give
    MacArthur High to you.

    Fight Song

    (to the tune of "On Wisconsin")

    On you Brahmas, On you Brahmas,
    Fight right to that line!
    Take the ball around the end boys,
    Touchdown's sure this time! RAH, RAH, RAH!
    On you Brahmas, On you Brahmas,
    Fight right to your fame!
    Fight, Brahmas, fight, fight, fight
    And win this game!

    students running flags

    Douglas MacArthur's Birthday

    General Douglas MacArthur was born on January 26th, 1880. To celebrate MacArthur's birthday each year, Student Council provides a piece of birthday cake for students during lunches in the cafeteria. They also take this opportunity to honor all of our students' birthdays.


    Powder Puff
    Football Game

    Every spring, our junior and senior girls face off in the Powder Puff flag football game. Spectators can also enjoy a world class half time show by our Brahmadorka spirit group composed of our senior boys. MacArthur faculty make up the Powder Puff Court. The teachers who raise the most money for their charity of choice are named the Powder Puff King and Queen. The entire event is sponsored by MacArthur Student Council.

  • Crest

    The MacArthur High School crest features the motto Fide et Opera, meaning by faith and works.

    blue and gray crest


    The MacArthur High School mascot is Lil' General the Brahma Bull. Lil' General originated as a live mascot but has taken many forms over the years as a costume character to cheer on our students. General Douglas MacArthur serves as a historical representation of our school's namesake. He can be seen walking stoically along the sidelines at football games embodying the words "Duty, Honor, Country"

    Blue Lights and MacArthur Archway

    The bronze relief of the face of General Douglas MacArthur utters the words "I shall return" and "Duty, Honor, Country". Originally adorning the front of the auditorium, the relief was paid for by the MacArthur PTA and dedicated on October 19, 1977. During the reconstruction of MacArthur H.S. in the early 2000s, the relief was removed from the auditorium and installed in a new archway that overlooks the entrance of the school. In 2020, the MacArthur PTSA paid for the installation of blue lights to illuminate the archway at night and continue the tradition of blue lights on campus. The combination of the two serves as a long standing reminder of the commitment of our MacArthur PTSA to our students, staff, and community.

    Meet the Brahmas

    Every August, the MacArthur community celebrates our Athletic and Spirit groups at Meet the Brahmas. Spectators enjoy performances by our Mac Band, Cheer and Dance teams. Every sport is introduced, including senior athletes. It's a great way to kick off a new school year!

    Brahma Bash (formerly Mactoberfest)

    Hosted by the MacArthur PALS organization, Mactoberfest is our annual carnival that takes place before Brahma March. Mac clubs and organizations sponsor food and game booths for everyone to enjoy until it's time to line up for the big parade!

    Brahma March

    Brahma March celebrates the oldest rivalry within NEISD, MacArthur vs. L.E.E. During the week of the L.E.E. football game, the MacArthur clubs, organizations, and sports line up and parade through the Regency neighborhood. The MacArthur community lines the parade route to cheer on our students and the parade returns to the MacArthur courtyard for a night pep rally.

    MacArthur Homecoming

    MacArthur Homecoming takes place every fall during football season. We welcome MacArthur Alumni to join us at the annual Homecoming football game where the homecoming court, including the King and Queen, are announced. Students also enjoy the annual Homecoming Dance hosted by Student Council and held at Littleton Gym at Blossom Athletic Center. What would Homecoming be without the exchange of spirit mums?

    Mac Rap

    Originating in the late 90s, the Mac Rap can be heard at every MacArthur Pep Rally:

    When I say MAC, you say ARTHUR: MAC! ARTHUR!  MAC! ARTHUR!


    When I say BRAHMAS, you say ARE: BRAHMAS! ARE!  BRAHMAS! ARE!

    When I say ARE, you say NUMBER: ARE! NUMBER!  ARE! NUMBER!

    When I say NUMBER, you say ONE: NUMBER! ONE!  NUMBER! ONE!

    When I say MAC, you say ARTHUR. When I say ARTHUR, you say BRAHMAS. When I say BRAHMAS, you say ARE. When I say ARE, you say NUMBER. When I say NUMBER, you say ONE