• Dance

    The Fine Arts Dance Department involves content standards that focus on knowledge and skills of dance elements, choreographic process and a variety of dance styles. In addition, the curriculum enables students to understand cultural, historical, and artistic diversity. The traditional Fine Arts dance programs, analyze dance from a variety of perspectives: performer, choreographer, critic, and audience member.

    Fine Arts Dance I and II are designed to elaborate on multiple styles of dance and create an intermediate to advanced knowledge of dance skills and technique. The dance styles that are covered are Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Modern and many diverse cultural styles. We will also be creating and producing choreography for a performance setting. We will be learning how to effectively produce a large ensemble piece and professional performance. In addition, the class may study and/or complete projects over: dance history, current events, music notation, choreography, and health/nutrition concepts.

    Spirit Organizations

    Fine Arts students in North East School District have the opportunity to explore, display, test, evaluate, and refine their talents, based upon their individual development, the Fine Arts Department will provide opportunities for successful student self-expression and personal growth as artists, citizens and life-long learners, fostering community/parental support through school, district-wide and state and/or national levels of performance.

    The North East Independent School District spirit organizations include Pep Squad, Drill Team, Dance Team, Freshman cheerleading, Junior Varsity cheerleading, Varsity cheerleading and mascots. All of our spirit organization students are expected to be leaders and great role models on their campuses. The future of these programs is based on our goals to include more students, to give more young people a place to belong, to continue to focus on the program as a fine art, to foster healthy competition and to model good citizenship.

    District-wide enrollment in these programs is approximately 1,500 students.


    North East Independent School District is the home to numerous State and Nationally ranked cheerleading programs. Cheerleading is a year-round sport that includes athletic team motivation, audience entertainment, high level tumbling, high level stunting and numerous competitions.   

    The North East Independent School District cheerleading curriculum involves content standards that focus on knowledge and skills of dance elements, choreographic process and a variety of tumbling, jumping and stunting techniques.  In addition, the curriculum enables students to understand cultural, historical, and artistic diversity, as well as, incorporates proper conditioning, injury prevention practices and principles of good nutrition. 

    Dance & Drill

    North East Independent School District offers a top notch and highly successful high school dance/drill team program in our comprehensive high schools.  Dance/Drill is a year-round commitment full of many performance opportunities, promoting school spirit at athletic events, community philanthropy opportunities and leadership building. NEISD is proud of the numerous nationally ranked dance/drill teams in our District. 

    The Dance/Drill Team curriculum involves content standards that focus on knowledge and skills of dance elements, choreographic process and a variety of dance styles.  In addition, the curriculum enables students to understand cultural, historical, and artistic diversity, as well as, incorporates proper conditioning, injury prevention practices and principles of good nutrition.  

    Pep Squad

    North East Independent School District Pep Squads were created to promote school spirit.  Our Pep Squad programs consist of curricular components as well as an extracurricular dimension. Performance venues consist of school events, athletic halftimes, contests, community events, and performance trips.  District wide enrollment in Pep Squad programs is approximately 1000 students.

    The future of these programs is based on our goals to include more students, to give more young people a place to belong, to continue to focus on the program as a fine art, to foster healthy competition, and to model good citizenship.  

Eligibility & Expectations

  • Dance

  • Cheer

  • Dance & Drill

  • Pep Squad

  • Required Participation Forms

    Online participation forms are now available. Please click the link below to start your online form.



Additional Information