Phone: 210-356-7672


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Music in Music MA in Educational Leadership

Ms. Sarah Hayter


My name is Sarah Hayter and I began teaching orchestra in 2018. I spent the first 5 years of my career teaching middle school orchestra and have been teaching at the High School level since then.

I am originally from Odessa, TX but have fallen in love with San Antonio since moving here!

I graduated from UTPB with a Bachelors in Music and a Masters In Educational Leadership.

Email is the best way to get ahold of me, but feel free to call as well. My conference is 8th period which begins at 3:25pm.

  • 1st period - Conference

    2nd period - Philharmonic Orchestra

    3rd period - Sinfonia Orchestra

    4th period - Lunch

    5th period - Concert Orchestra

    6th period - Symphony Orchestra

    7th period - Instrumental Ensemble

    8th period - Conference


    Link to MacArthur Bell Schedule: