

    In my courses, you will learn how to view the world from a social studies perspective using all previous knowledge.  It is designed so that each student can obtain a basic understanding of economics and government, utilizing principles or theories, policies, and personal responsibility.  In this course, we will explore how government and economics impacts your world.  Everything depends on you to decide what you want to get out of this class!

    As your teacher, my ultimate goal is to provide you with a safe and comfortable learning environment for you.  One of my other goals is to provide you with different perspectives about the world we live in by questioning decisions you and people make. Everyday will be a learning experience.

    Class Procedures:

    1.  Be on time
    2.  Be prepared
    3.  Be respectful of yourself and others
    4.  Be respectful towards all property
    5.  Pick-up room before leaving class

    Remember, respect is earned and can be lost!

    Class Rules:

    Blatant infractions of the rules will not be tolerated:

    1.  Always have your Madison ID on your person'
    2.  Do not leave the room without teacher’s permission.
    3.  No food or open container drinks i.e. drinks in cups.
    4.  Use electronic devices responsibly.
    5.  No racial, sexual, or other discriminating slurs—includes cussing.


    For behavioral issues the teacher may give a warning, contact a parents (will result in a citizenship mark of “N”), and write an office referral (will result in a citizenship mark of “U” plus loss of exam exemption). In addition, in accordance with campus and district policies, an “N or “U” may be given for excessive tardiness and for academic dishonesty.

    Attendance Policy:

    The school’s attendance policies will be strictly enforced.  It is your responsibility to obtain make-up work.  Tardiness will be recorded if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings.

    Make-Up / Late Work Procedure:

    Students that have obtained an excused absence can make-up the work they missed.  Make-up of daily work will be governed by school policy, which states that one day for each day of excused absence is allowed to complete make-up work. If the absence turns out to be unexcused the late work policy will be applied to the assignment. A 20% late penalty will be assessed on all late work.

    I will not ask for your late work.  If you have late work to turn-in, do it at the beginning of class-- it is your responsibility to remember!

    Grading Policy:

    AP GOV                     MAS
    Dailywork:  60%         Dailywork:   45%       Projects:   25%
    Tests:  40%                Tests:   20%

    Your semester average will be determined be the following system:

    1st/2nd Nine Weeks Average:  40%
    3rd/4th Nine Weeks Average:  40%
    Semester Exam:  20%

    Bathroom Passes:

    Bathroom Passes are provided.  If you MUST use the restroom, please raise your hand during an appropriate time and ask.  An appropriate time to ask would be in between topics or main ideas of lectures, group activities, or during self instruction.

    Expectations of seniors:

    Madison expects a great deal from its seniors because you are all role models for underclassmen.  That means we expect seniors to follow obvious rules i.e. not using cell phones between 9-4 pm, not wearing hats or bandanas, and following dress code.

    In the classroom setting, I expect seniors to behave and also to get all they can out of my class by paying attention and taking good notes. Some of you plan to go to college while others might decide that high school is the best they can do—I will not discriminate in teaching and I respect the decisions you have made for yourself.

    Most teachers understand that the majority of seniors work and are heavily involved in extracurricular activities that can distract them from their schoolwork, but our understanding goes only so far.  Seniors NEED to take responsibility for their choices.  As a senior teacher, I am REQUIRED to notify your parent/guardian if you are failing or in jeopardy of not graduating.  Remember seniors have to pass economics in order to cross the stage in June—I do not want to call home.

    Honor Code (or, in other words, the cheating policy):

    In order to sustain a community of trust in which the students and teachers can work together to develop their educational potentials and goals, ethical standards of honesty are expected. Everyone is expected to compete fairly in the classroom to earn their academic standing through their own efforts. Violations of the code of honor include lying, cheating, or stealing. Acts of cheating are defined as, but not limited to the following:

    - Willfully copying or allowing class assignments to be copied and falsely presenting them as your own work and effort.

    - Using notes or any other prompts to assist in answering test questions unless allowed by the instructor.

    - Using notes of other students’ or photocopies of text or other materials when the instructor allows notes to be used on an exam or quiz.

    - Acquiring answers to test questions or homework by looking at any papers.

    - Cutting and pasting answers from on-line or electronic sources in order to fulfill an aspect of an assignment.

    - Being informed or informing, verbally or otherwise, of test questions, quizzes, or answers either during or prior to the testing or quizzing situation, for which you are given a grade.

    -Students who break this code will be subject to a ZERO for a grade.