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ALIR awards scholarships to four deserving NEISD students

“This is giving us a chance to invest in the leadership of the future.”

Four North East ISD students received $2,500 college scholarships thanks to some generous ALIRians. 

Student with family and principal student with family and principal Student with family and principal Student with family and principal

NEISD’s Academy of Learning in Retirement (ALIR) is an all-volunteer organization that fosters lifelong learning for seniors over the age of 50. Members contribute to the scholarship fund through their annual dues, but they also contribute donations throughout the year. This year they collected $10,000 for our students.

“We’ve given scholarships for decades but this is the second year in a row we’ve been able to give four $2,500 scholarships. This is a way for us to give back,” said Mike Burns, Chair of the ALIR Council. “It’s so enriching to see what these folks have achieved academically and what they’ve done through organizations and sports teams. Just to see what they have contributed to the community -- it is just so inspiring.”

Legacy of Educational Excellence (LEE) High School senior Choloe Seesholtz, Roosevelt High School senior Eirik Marquez, Madison High School senior Brady Rabel and Churchill High School senior Jackson Hawkins accepted the scholarships during a ceremony on Wednesday, April 26.

The ALIR Bill Howland Scholarship Award is named after a beloved member who had a passion for education and lifelong learning. 

Thank you, ALIR, for supporting our students #theNEISDway!

Evan Henson
posted on: 04/26/2023