- Madison High School
- Welcome
Late Work Policy
Late Work Policy:
Late work is defined as any assignment that is not submitted on the due date and class period with the exception of make-up work for absences or approved school activities. A 20% deduction from the total grade earned will be taken for late assignments. Late assignments will be accepted until the material has been assessed summatively or within a three week grading period.
Make-Up Work Policy:
This class complies with the district policy on make-up work. Students have one class period after they return from an absence to make-up work. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students should wait for an appropriate time to ask the teacher for make-up work. Students are discouraged from interrupting the teacher during the first 15 minutes of class for make-up work. Students are encouraged to check the classroom website or to come before or after school to obtain make-up work. Tests and quizzes must be made up before or after school.