- Roosevelt High Schools
- Welcome
About Teacher
Phone: (210) 549-6613 (Google Number for messages and texts)
Degrees and Certifications:
BS-Chemical Engineering (2000) Teacher Certification-Physical Science (2003)
Mrs. Melissa Ibarra
Born and Raised in Austin, TX
Attended University of Texas at Austin, Graduated BS Chemical Engineering 2000
Teaching Science at Roosevelt HS since 2003
Hello Rough Riders! I am happy to start my 20th year here at Roosevelt! It has been a pleasure to teach science and help produce nurses, engineers, and other STEM-related careers out of our TR students. This year I am teaching Chemistry Honors and AP Chemistry. I look forward to getting to know my students and having a great year!
As always, please never hesitate to contact me via email mibarr3@neisd.net if you have any questions. :)
Class Schedule
Schedule - Room AS218
1st period Chemistry Honors
2nd period Chemistry Honors
3rd period AP Chemistry
4th period Chemistry Honors
5th period B Lunch
6th period Chemistry Honors
7th period Conference
8th period Chemistry Honors