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Transcript Request Online Form

NEISD Scriborder is required for students requesting to have their official scholarship sent directly to an institution. 


College Visit Verification

The College Visit Verification Form must be completed, signed, and dated by an appropriate official from the institute of higher education visited by the student.  Please turn in the completed form to the Attendance Office.  Juniors and Seniors are allowed two excused absences for college visits.


Senior Information Form

The Senior Information Form will be requested by a counselor when a student requests a letter of recommendation. The student can also attach a resume if they have one.


College Application Checklist

The College Application Checklist can be a great resource for students and parents as they navigate through the college application process.


Senior Year Transition

The Senior Transition Booklet (pdf) provides information for 12th grade students to explore their opportunities for high school and beyond.