

Degrees and Certifications:

St. Mary's University Biology Special Education Physical Education Secondary Health

Mrs. Monica Rheinberger


I am a graduate of St. Mary’s University. I have teaching experience in Biology, Health, Physical Education, and Special Education.  I was here at WC back in 1999 - 2003 as a Biology Teacher and Soccer Coach.  All three of my children are WC graduates and so this place is special to me! I  am happy to return to WC this time as an Achieve Teacher.  My husband is a teacher and coach in NEISD and my oldest daughter just graduated from OLLU and also teaches in NEISD.  My other two children are attending Our Lady of the Lake University and UTSA.  




  • Achieve is a credit recovery class.  Students are required to apply for this class in order to have the opportunity to be placed in the class.  Students work independently on course work from the Edgenuity program. 

    1st Period -  Achieve
    2nd Period - Achieve
    3rd Period - Conference
    4th Period - Lunch
    5th Period - Achieve
    6th Period - Achieve
    7th Period - Achieve
    8th Period - Achieve

    Achieve Extra Hours:  8:00am-8:50am and all lunch periods.