• Bradley Middle School


    8th Grade Math

    "At Bradley, we provide a comprehensive education to all students, in a positive environment, by encouraging each child to reach their fullest potential in all areas."


    Instructor:       Santos Reyna II          


    Room:             B2014   


    Email:             sreyna@neisd.net      


    Website:          https://www.neisd.net/Page/6469          


    Phone:             (210)356-2600


    Textbook:        McGraw-Hill Texas Math Course 3 Volumes 1 and 2


    Tutoring Hours: Monday/Thursday 7:45 am-8:55 am

                               Tuesday/Wednesday 3:40 pm-4:00 pm


    1. Rationale and Course:

    This class is designed to develop mathematically literate students. The goal is to teach mathematics using multiple methods to accommodate multiple intelligences. As such, the students should expect an incorporation of manipulatives, technology, group interaction, as well as paper and pencil.


    1. Expectations:

    In order to be successful in this class, I have high expectations which include:

    • Responsibility for your materials. Bring your book and writing materials to class: paper and PENCIL. Pen is not allowed in math class.
    • Use agenda books daily to write down the learning objective and any homework if assigned.
    • Respect for others. Treat classmates and classroom visitors with courtesy.
    • Your best effort. Be responsible for your own learning.
    • Listen when others are speaking.
    • If you miss class, you are responsible for the material covered.
    • Team work: You will spend as much time interacting with others as you will working individually. When you are assigned to work with others, or choose to work with others, work cooperatively.
    • Do all required assignments and turn them in on time.

    III. Course Requirements:

    1. Class attendance policy:

    Regular school attendance is essential for students to make the most of their education---to benefit from teacher-led and school activities, to build each day's learning on the previous days, and to grow as individuals. Absences from class may result in a serious disruption of students’ mastery of the instructional materials; therefore, students and parents/guardians should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. [NEISD Student Handbook]


    According to Board Policy, students are required to make up assignments, homework, projects, quizzes and tests missed due to absences. [Board Policy EIAB (Local)]

    The District distinguishes absences as excused and unexcused. Make-up work for excused absences will be eligible for full credit. Students shall receive a 20 percent deduction from the total grade earned for any assignment or assessment not made up within the allotted time. A truant absence is an unexcused absence with disciplinary consequences. Make-up work for unexcused absences will be penalized equal to late work. A 20 percent deduction from the total grade earned will be taken on make-up work for unexcused absences.

    Students will be allowed reasonable time to make up assignments, homework, projects, quizzes and tests missed due to absences.

    • At the secondary school level, reasonable time is defined as one class day per class missed, e.g. students who miss class on Tuesday have until the beginning of class on Thursday to turn in make-up work.
    • For extended absences, make-up assignments shall be made available to students after two consecutive class days of absence.
    • Teachers will provide the assignments to the students and inform students of the time allotted for completing make-up assignments, homework, projects, quizzes and tests.
    • It is the student's responsibility to obtain, complete and submit the missed work in the time allotted.

    Students will not be required to take a quiz or test on the day returning to class from an absence if the quiz or test was announced during the student's absence. After their return to class teachers are required to make arrangements with the student within two class days to take a test/quiz if the test/quiz was announced during the student's absence. Make-up work and tests for all absences should be of the same rigor, but not necessarily the same format, as the original activity, assignment or test. Make-up tests or presentations may be scheduled before school, after school, during study hall or during the student's class period, at the teacher's discretion to ensure that new and/or significant content is not missed.

    Students should make prior arrangements with teachers for making up missed work when the absence can be anticipated, e.g. a dental appointment, court appearance or appointment, approved school-related activities, etc. After a prolonged absence, the teacher has the right to exempt a student from some assignments if the teacher determines that doing so will not have a negative impact on the student's ability to master the content or unfairly bias his/her grade. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up work after an absence because of suspension. [Board Policy EIAB (Local)]


    1. LATE WORK:
    • Late work is defined as any assignment that is not submitted on the due date and class period with the exception of make-up work for absences or approved school activities.
    • A 20 percent deduction from the total grade earned will be taken for late assignments.
    • Late assignments will be accepted until the material has been assessed summatively or within a three-week grading period.
    • Extenuating circumstances may occur that prevent the completion and turning in of assignments on the due date. It is the parent/guardian and/or student’s responsibility to inform the teacher and/or an appropriate administrator of any such circumstances so that an exception to the rule may or may not be granted. The teacher and/or appropriate administrator shall have the authority to render a final decision on the granting of any exceptions.


    • #2 Pencils (traditional or mechanical)
    • Pencil Erasers
    • 1 inch 3 Ring Binder



    1. Grading:
    2. Homework/ Daily Work: 30%
    3. Quiz: 30%
    4. Test: 40%


    1. Academic Integrity:

    Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments and/or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the home campus Academic Honesty Policy. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and/or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that students have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. [Board Policy EIA (Local)]

    1. Course of Study: (Order may change to accommodate student needs)


    Unit 1: Proportional and Non-Proportional Functions

    • Linear relationships are represented in different ways.
    • An equation describes the relationship between input and output values.
    • There are distinguishing features between proportional and non-proportional situations and their representations. 
    • A function describes a situation where one quantity determines another.

    Unit 2: Bivariate Data

    • A graphical representation are used to determine the association between two variables.
    • An association between two variables can be used to make a prediction.
    • There are distinguishing features between proportional and non-proportional situations and their representations.

    Unit 3: Equations and Inequalities

    • Solutions are values that make the equation true. 
    • There are various ways to represent linear relationships.
    • Mathematical symbols are used to show the relationship between two expressions.
    • Inequality symbols are used between two expressions to represent situations where one side is greater than the other.

    Unit 4: Using Real Numbers

    • Numbers are related to each other
    • There are various ways to represent equivalent  values
    • Mathematical symbols impact the value of a number

    Unit 5: Pythagorean Theorem and Angle Relationships

    • Right triangles have unique characteristics that lead to a special relationship between the sides of the triangle.
    • The Pythagorean Theorem can be used to solve problems about distance.
    • The geometric relationships between angles and figures can be deduced from a set of examples.

    Unit 6: Transformations

    • A scale factor applied to a figure does not preserve congruence but it does create a similar figure.
    • An algebraic representation can be used to describe and define a transformation.
    • The formula to find the slope of a line can be illustrated and understood by finding the ratio of the rise to run in 2 similar triangles.

    Unit 7: Volume and Surface Area

    • The volume formulas indicate the relationship between a geometric solid’s Base area and its height. .
    • The area and perimeter of the base (B and P) are key factors in determining the volume and surface area of prisms and cylinders. 
    • Knowledge about equations can be applied to solving problems with formulas and solving for specific measurements.

     Unit 8: Personal Financial Literacy

    • There are real world implications when saving for college, calculating the cost of a loan, and investing money over time.
    • Factors such as interest rate, length of time and principal.



    All 8th Grade math students will take the 8th Grade STAAR test in April.


    This syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.