About Teacher

Phone: 210-356-3800


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Arts in Education in English

Mrs. Borda Escobar

I'm very excited to be teaching at Garner Middle School, the experience of teaching as I meet new students, see them blossom, overcome challenges is rewarding every day.

This is my third year as a Texas teacher, previously I was teaching English in Chile, my home land. I graduated from Univertisty of Tarapaca in Chile 2013 in my hometown and have been teaching ESL ever since.

My current focus is teaching the 7th grade ESL students and also by accompanying them to classes and further explaining contents they haven't yet mastered.

Teaching is my passion, I love to work with students! 

Don't forget that I am here for your every need before and after school EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS, the success of your children is my goal.

En Español

Estoy muy emocionada de ser maestra en Garner Middle School, la experiencia de enseñar al conocer nuevos alumnos, verlos mejorar cada día y superar sus metas es lo más gratificante de ser maestra.

Este es mi tercer año ensenando en Texas, previo me encontraba enseñando Ingles en Chile - mi tierra madre. Me gradué de la Universidad de Tarapacá en Chile el 2013 y he estado enseñando desde ese entonces.

Mi enfoque principal este año es estar con los niños de 8avo de ESL acompañándolos a sus clases para explicar contenidos que aún no han comprendido.

Ensenar es mi pasión, amo trabajar con alumnos!

No se olviden que estoy para lo que necesiten, el éxito de sus niños es mi meta. No duden en consultar lo que necesiten, todos los niños son capaces de tener un futuro glorioso!

Mrs. Borda

Class Schedule

  • 1st Period: 7th Grade English Co-teach 


    2nd Period: 7th Grade English Co-teach


    3rd Period: 7th Grade Math Co-teach


    4th Period: 7th Grade Math Co-teach




    5th Period: 7th Grade Recents (Language Development)


    6th Period: Planning


    7th Period: 7th Grade ESL Reading


    8th Period: 7th Grade ESL English


Class Announcements