

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Business Administration Standard Secondary English 6-12 Standard Supplemental ESL 6-12 English Language Arts Reading 4-8

Mrs. Ana Valdez

This is my 22nd year of teaching at Tejeda Middle School and my 23rd year as an educator. I am a seventh grade G/T ELA and eighth grade ELA teacher; I have taught grades 6-8 all at Tejeda.  A product of NEISD schools, I am privileged to work for a great school district and an awesome school!

Believe it or not, I love to read when I’m not busy. My husband and I visit Fredericksburg quite frequently to learn about different wines and food pairings as we are foodies! If you see me, you can tell! 😉 We enjoy experimenting with different foods to cook while also going out to eat and trying some of the city’s unique cuisine. Our fourteen-year-old son enjoys accompanying us on our food adventures also. He is going into high school this year! Time has flown by since he was a little one. 😢

I look forward to working with your son/daughter this year to enhance their learning in reading and writing. Please email me if you have questions or concerns. 


Class Schedule

  • Mrs. Valdez's Daily Schedule

    1st period: 8th grade ELA

    2nd period: Planning/PLC

    3rd period: 7th grade GT ELA

    4th period: 8th grade ELA

    5th period: 7th grade GT ELA

    6th period: 8th grade ELA

    7th period: 8th grade ELA Honors

    8th period: 8th grade ELA Honors