About Teacher

Phone: 210-356-5000 ext.


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education Certifications in Art all-level General Education 1-8.

Ms. Melissa Volz

Visual Arts Scholastic Event Winning Art

 I am the Art and PALS teacher for Lopez Middle School.  This will be my 30th year teaching art and my eighteenth year teaching art and PALS at Lopez MS. I taught art in the Comal District for eleven years before taking a seven-year sabbatical to raise my two daughters. I am a Southwest Texas State University (Texas State) graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Education. I hold certifications in all-level art and general education, 1-8. I received several awards during my teaching career.  The awards I received are Teacher of the Year for Lopez MS 2017-2018. Comal ISD, Teacher of the Year--1992-1993, Teacher of the Month Comal ISD 1992, and Honorary lifetime PTA Member 1999. I have published an article titled Jungle Batiks in the Arts and Activities magazine. I am a member of the Texas Art Educators Association. I have served on several state committees.  I served as a consultant for the Texas Education Agency Fine Art -TEKS and on the Texas Education Agency State Textbook Committee. The teaching assignments and duties I hold on the Lopez campus are Department Chair Electives, Visual Arts Teacher, Peer Assistance Leaders (PALS) Teacher, and Web Page Coordinator.

I enjoy spending time with my daughters, quilting, and finding new inspiration for my art students.  I am an artist who quilts all by hand and creates art using fibers.

My daughters are both graduates of Reagan HS and Lopez MS.  Kenlynn is a graduate of Oregon State with a BS in Wildlife Biology and Fishery. She is currently in graduate school studying genetic conservation.   Jamesynn (Jamie) is an artist, doing what she loves.

Google Class Codes

  • Students will access various daily learning assignment(s) digitally through Google Classroom. 

    • Art 1 Period Google Classroom Code:  
    • Art 2 Period Google Classroom Code:   
    • Art 3 Period Google Classroom Code: 
    • PALS 4 Period Google Classroom Code:  
    • Art 5 Period Google Classroom Code:   
    • Art 6 Period Google Classroom Code:   
    • Art 7 Period Google Classroom Code: 
    • Art 8 Period Google classroom Code: 

Class Schedule

  •  Melissa Volz 24-25





    7:30-8:15 a.m.

    Art 1

    1st Period- Art 1

    8:25-9:12 a.m.

    Art 1

    2nd Period- Art 2

    9:16-10:03 a.m.

    Art 1

    3rd Period- HS credit Art 1

    10:07-10:55 a.m.

    Art 1

    4th Period- PALS

    10:59- 11:45 a.m.

    Art 1




    5th Period Art 1


    Art 1

    6th Period Adv Art 2

    1:13- 2:00 p.m.

    Art 1

    7th Period Art 2

    2:04-2:50 p.m.

    Art 1

    8th Period Planning

    2:54-3:40 p.m.

    Art 1