- Lopez Middle School
- Smoking Policy
TOBACCO/THC/VAPE PRODUCTS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY – Vaping has become epidemic with our teens. It is something we address on almost a daily basis. In addition to our concern over the health risks this behavior poses, we have seen a number of students expelled for the possession or use of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the principal psychoactive ingredient in marijuana). We want to reiterate that possession or use of THC on campus will result in a recommendation for expulsion for students who are found to be vaping THC or have THC in their possession. This strong stand is imperative not only to remain compliant with state law and the North East ISD Student Code of Conduct, but also to help to deter a behavior that is endangering our students.
Regardless of personal opinions on this issue, possession and use of e-cigarettes/vaping devices remains illegal under state law for persons under 18. All devices, oils, and other paraphernalia are explicitly prohibited by the North East ISD Student Code of Conduct for students of all ages. Confiscated devices, cartridges and oils will be subject to immediate on-campus chemical testing. Students who are in possession of any item which tests positively for THC will be recommended for expulsion as such possession is a state jail felony. Note that possessing or being under the influence of any controlled substance as detailed above can also result in separate criminal penalties as determined by law enforcement.
For the safety and wellbeing of our children, please help us to reinforce the serious safety and disciplinary consequences, which can result from vaping. You can access neisd.net/escapethevape for additional resources, which may help you to initiate this conversation with your child. Thank you for your continued collaboration as we strive to ensure the safest possible educational environment for all students.