- Lopez Middle School
- Mrs. Anderson

Degrees and Certifications:
BA in History Minors - Psychology and Dance History Department Chair Academic UIL Social Studies Coach
Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Anderson's Introduction Video
I grew up in San Antonio and attended North East schools. I went to Oak Grove, Garner, and graduated with honors from MacArthur. My mother taught in the district for twenty years. My uncle taught physics at MacArthur for thirty years. I guess teaching is in my blood! I graduated with honors from Southwest Texas in 1993. I am certified to teach history, psychology, and dance at the secondary level. I taught at Garner for five years. (I got to work with a few of the teachers I had when I was a student at Garner!) I then helped to open Bush and taught there for nine years before moving to Lopez.
My husband and I have three children. They all went to Lopez and Reagan. Our oldest son is twenty-six years old. He graduated from UT Austin and is now a band director at a middle school in Austin. Our youngest son is twenty-four and is a senior at Texas Tech. Our daughter recently graduated from Texas Tech and is working on her doctorate in physical therapy at TWU. In 2019, she was the dancing drum major in the Reagan Band's marching show Secret World. Our kids have always been involved in a lot of different activities, so you may have seen me at a dance recital, a band concert /contest, a football game, or a basketball game! Spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do. I also love shopping and eating out. (Taco Cabana is my favorite.) 😊 Last but not least, our family would not be complete without mentioning our pets. We have a blue heeler named Pepper, a pomsky puppy named Indy, and three cats. We also have several raccoon mamas and babies who visit us in the evenings. There is never a dull moment at the Anderson household!
Coaching Times
Mrs. Anderson (B104) - Tuesday and Thursday mornings///// Mr. Shea (B103) - Monday and Wednesday mornings.
Class Schedule
Texas History / History Department Chair
Academic UIL Social Studies Coach
Regular Schedule
1st Period - 8:25 - 9:12
2nd Period - 9:16 - 10:03
3rd Period - 10:07 - 10:55
4th Period - 10:59 - 11:45
LUNCH - 11:49 - 12:19
5th Period - 12:23 - 1:09
6th Period - 1:13 - 2:00
7th Period - 2:04 - 2:50
8th Period - 2:54 - 3:40