• Figurative Language used in poetry, song lyrics, movies and stories.

    Alliteration - repeating the first letter consonant sound in words on the same line or very near each other in written text. (Chicken chases cheeseburgers on Chestnut Lane.) 

    Assonance - repeating the same vowel sound on the same line or words that are very near each other in written text. (A brave kid made changes to help others.)

    Idiom - a saying or phrase that has a meaning different than the actual words used (It cost an arm and a leg.) (Have a change of heart.)

    Hyperbole - Exxagerated statement that is not meant to be taken literally (If I can't get a smartphone I will die.) 

    Onomatopoeia - Using words in written text that represent the sound they would make. (He made a splash in the pool.) (The tick tock of the clock made me hurry.)

    Simile - Comparing two things using the word "like" or "as". (He was as fierce as a tiger.)

    Metaphor - Comparing two things without using the words like or as. ( My stomach was a fluttering butterfly.)

    Personification - Giving human qualities to animals or non-living things. (The curtain danced in the wind.)


    Imagery - Using words that describe the five senses. Example - use the word cinnamon for "taste" or use the word purple for "sight"


    Additional Literary Terminology

    Rhyme - rhyming words need to be placed at the end of the line 

    Stanza - similar to paragraph that uses separation with a blank space, poetry stanzas are divided by a blank space between each

    Meter - in poetry, count the beat (syllables) in one line. Usually the meter repeats in other lines

    Symbolism - Using people, places and things to represent a larger object or idea

    Tone - Attitude of author in written text

    Mood - A feeling that the reader receives from the written text

    Synonyms - words with similar meaning

    Antonyms - words that are opposite of each other

    Inference - what you think happens without anyone actually saying it did occur