District Policy
According to policy, DGBA (Legal) (pdf) and DGBA (Local) (pdf), employees are provided an orderly formal process for the prompt and equitable resolution of grievances when a concern has not been resolved informally.
Grievances must be filed within 10 (ten) business days of the time the grievant knew or should have known of the event or series of events about which the employee is complaining.
Grievance Process and Forms
- Level One—An Employee Complaint Form (Level 1) (pdf) must be filed with the campus principal, if the employee works on a campus, or with the Director or Executive Director of the department in which the employee works.
- Level Two—If there is no resolution at Level One, a Notice of Appeal (Level II) (pdf) must be filed with the Employee Hearing Officer in the Department of Human Resources.
- Level Three—If there is no resolution at Level Two, a Notice of Appeal to the Board (Level III) (pdf) must be filed directly to the office of the Superintendent of Schools.
Other Relevant Policies