

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education w/English Specialization ESL Certification

Mr. Theus

I am a 6th year teacher and am excited to be teaching at LEE! I am teaching English II this school year. I am also excited to be coaching Freshmen Volleyball and Girls Track & Field. Looking forward to having a great year!


     Office Hours/Tutoring

    Tuesday Morning 8:00-8:30a.m.

    Thursday Morning 8:00-8:30am

     Or By Appointment


    Supplies Needed:

    Composition Book (or spiral)

    Blue or Black ink Pens


    Notebook Paper


    Connection Points:



  • 1st Period - English II

    2nd Period - English II

    3rd Period - English II

    4th Period -Athletics

    5th Period - English II

    6th Period - Lunch

    7th Period - Conference

    8th Period - Athletics