2025-2026 Course Selection
The course selection window for 2025-26 will close February 14, 2025.
Counselors will be working with students at each grade level to choose their courses and input this information in Skyward. Please refer to the Bush Bulletin for updated information.
Bush counselors will visit with current 5th grade students at their home elementary school campuses January 27-January 31 to work with students on course selection for 6th grade.
Bush counselors will visit with current 6th and 7th grade students through their history classes February 3-7 to work with students on course selection for 2025-2026.
Bush counselors will visit with current 8th grade students through their history classes to work on four-year plans and endorsement selection; sometime in February counselors will revisit with students concerning course selection for 2025-2026.
Reagan counselors will visit with current 8th grade students on March 17th through their science classes to ensure course selection is correct.
For CURRENT 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students:
Students can contact their Bush counselors to make course request changes (HERE is a link to Bush counselor information) up until May 22nd (last day of school).
For CURRENT 8th grade students:
Prior to Spring Break, students can contact their Bush counselors to make course request changes (HERE is a link to Bush counselor information).
After Spring Break, students can change their selections up until May 22nd (last day of school) by contacting their Reagan counselor (HERE is a link to Reagan counselor information).
Helpful Links for Middle School Course Selection:
2025-2026 Bush Electives Preview Click to get an insider view on many of the great electives we offer at Bush Middle School
Bush 6th Grade Presentation for Course Registration (for students who will be in 6th grade 2025-2026)
Bush 7th Grade Presentation for Course Selection (for students who will be in 7th grade 2025-2026)
Bush 8th Grade Presentation for Course Selection (for students who will be in 8th grade 2025-2026)
6th Grade Course Card (for students who will be in 6th grade 2025-2026)
7th Grade Course Card (for students who will be in 7th grade 2025-2026)
8th Grade Course Card (for students who will be in 8th grade 2025-2026)
2025-2026 NEISD Middle School Course Catalog Course Descriptions- Link Pending from District
OFF Campus PE:
Student Application Window is from April 1-June 15, 2025. HERE is a link for more information.
Helpful Links for High School course Selection:
2025-2026 Reagan HS 9th Grade Course Card
Reagan 2024-2025 NEISD High School Academic Planning and Course Catalog
Course Selection 101 FAQ Sheet
Reagan 9th Grade Presentation for Course Registration
Course Selection 101 Video Webinar
Reagan CTE Electives Information Click to see Career and Technical Education elective courses offered at Reagan. Use this presentation to help with your 4-year plan (it will tell you pre-requisites for each course, the order courses are taken, Industry Based Certifications (IBC) offered, and the grade level students are allowed to take each course. It is a GREAT planning tool for your 4 years at Reagan!