

Degrees and Certifications:

Classroom app Bachelors in Sociology with a Minor in Social Work Masters in Education with a Congruente in Reading Language Arts Certified 4th grade-8th grade Reading and Language Arts Certified 8th grade - 12th grade reading and English Certified ESL 6th-12th

Ms. Thurston

Hi my name is Heather Thurston and this is my 19th year at NEISD. I received a Master's degree from Texas State University in San Marcos. 

I am also a North East product graduating from James Madison High School. My varied work experiences have given me the opportunity to interact with children from early childhood to young adults. This is my 8th year at Bush Middle School. 


Class Schedule


    Ms. Thurston's Class Schedule

    1st period Recent and Newcomer ELAR/EB

    2nd Period ESOL 

    3rd Recent and Newcomer ELAR/EB

    4th Period ESOL

    5th Period Support Class

    8th lunch

    6th period WIN

    7th period  ESOL

    8th period conference