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Welcome Principal Curry

Dear Lopez Panthers,

I am very excited to announce that I will start the 2023-2024 school year as the new principal of Lopez Middle School. Together we will continue to accomplish the great successes that have become tradition at Lopez. This opportunity is a great honor for me and to say that I am excited is an understatement.

I have lived and worked in North East ISD for 23 years.  My wife, Heidi, is also an administrator in the District, and this year, my son will be in 10th grade in NEISD.  In those 23 years, I have taught classes, coached many successful teams, organized community events, and collaborated with faculty and parents to provide the best educational opportunities for students. 

Most recently I was an Assistant Principal here at Lopez Middle School. In that time, I worked closely with the previous principal, Mr. Escamilla, as well as faculty, students, and parents.  We banded together to overcome some unprecedented challenges. Now, together we can build on the foundation of excellence that defines Lopez Middle School.  It’s going to be exciting to watch our students grow.  Through collaboration we will continue to achieve success at a high level and send our students on to high school ready for whatever paths they choose. 

As members of the Panther community, please feel free to contact me at any time.  I am always interested in hearing input, feedback, and concerns. 

Enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see each other soon!

Lead. Learn. Serve. Inspire.

Robert Curry, Principal
Lopez Middle School