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The Military Child Education Coalition

The Military Child Education Coalition’s Student 2 Student Program (S2S) is a student led organization that welcomes incoming students to their school and helps departing students prepare for their next school.  This is done by bringing together both military and civilian connected students.  This allows for a well-rounded group of students.


The S2S Program was created for all highly mobile students such as military connected students.  Everyone knows people in the military move all over the world and move often.  Some children of military members may attend up to four different schools just during their elementary and middle school years.  This can be stressful on those students.  Just when they are making lots of friends it is time to switch schools.  This program connects these students with each other as well as civilian connected students.  It allows those affected by a move to be with others who understands and helps civilian connected students understand what it is like to switch schools so often.  The civilian connected students help the group learn the norms for the area and show them what there is to do for fun and entertainment.   It is an extremely successful program that is advantageous and useful to all new students on a campus.



LEADERSHIP – student character growth

ACADEMICS – Educational adjustments

SERVICE – Community outreach

FINDING THE WAY – Campus, culture, and community

RELATIONSHIP – Building a bond.


S2S is:

100% Acceptance

Respect for all!

Leadership for all!

Service for all!



Ways our campus can support:

Welcome packet – includes a map of the school, school schedule, clubs and organizations, an S2S member to sit with at lunch and provide a tour of the campus, after school activities/events to help new student build relationships (football/basketball games, game board night, ice cream event, holiday celebrations)

Follow up with new student.

Ways our faculty can support:

Alert S2S sponsors that you have a new student.

Allow S2S students to provide a tour of the school for new students.

Teachers and coaches can provide vouchers for new students to attend sporting events.

If you notice that a new student is having difficulties, please reach out to a S2S sponsor so we can help support the student.


NEISD Link to Military Website