

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Music Degree in Choral Music Education from Texas State University

Ms. Nathalie Calvo

Ms. Calvo has a strong passion for choir. Ms. Calvo was born and raised in Miami, Florida, and moved to San Antonio, Texas in 2015, where she graduated from Reagan High School. She graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelor of Music degree in choral music education in May 2023. Ms. Calvo is a hardworking, passionate, and inspiring individual. During her undergraduate experience, she was heavily involved in professional organizations where she was responsible for decision- making, communication and leadership to all members. Ms. Calvo has had teaching experience in the secondary and elementary levels such as the Prelude director for the Hill Country Youth Chorus as well as a choral intern at a local High School. Before NEISD, Ms. Calvo has taught middle school in Klein where her choirs earned numerous division one "superior" ratings. 


Ms. Calvo is eager to be a part of the NEISD family as a teacher and is excited to spread her love of music through teaching and make a long-lasting impact on her students. In her free time, Ms. Calvo enjoys learning about the world while traveling and loves the art of dance.

  • Schedule:

    1st period: 6th Grade Treble Choir

    2nd period: 7th Grade Treble Choir

    3rd period: 6th Grade Tenor/Bass Choir

    4th period: 7/8th Grade Tenor/Bass Choir

    5th period: 8th Grade Treble Choir

    6th period: WINN

    7th period: Conference

    8th period: Elementary Travel period