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Here are Top 10 Recommended Kids Gardening Activities

Kitchen Scrap Gardening: Help the planet and clean up your kitchen, this one is a great way to think about where your food comes from.

Seed Viewer: There are many different ways to explore plants with simple dried beans from the soup grocery store aisle.

Plant People: Create your own "chia pet" family.

Grow Your Own Salad: We bet you won't stop doing this activity as kids who grow edibles are more likely to eat them. Adults too!

Pressed Flowers: Save beautiful spring blooms for future crafts. Pressed flowers provide a base for numerous projects and gifts.

Leaf and Flower Prints: Engage those high energy kids with this fun craft that uses a mallet.

Make More Plants from Houseplants: Houseplants make great gifts and what a great 'giving' activity or to ensure more rooms have the benefit of houseplants.

Hydroponics: Ever wonder how hydroponics really work? All that's needed is a cup with a cover, water, and seeds.

Garden Scavenger Hunt: Turn garden exploration into a game! You can even have prizes for those competitive family members.

Soil Art: No paint on hand, no problem. With a little glue and water, soil can inspire creative artwork.


If you're looking for additional ideas, has even more lesson plans, garden activities, and garden basics. Or look to additional kids gardening inspiration from